We’d Love to hear from you!
This form is for general inquiries and needs, do you need prayer? Need to speak to a pastor? Does your family need assistance? Feel free to fill out this form and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thinking about visiting? Or maybe you’ve been a few times and you’re ready to get more connected?
You’ve come to the right place! This is the form that will help us connect with you better, whether you’ve only been joining us online or have been around for awhile but never taken that next step!
If you sign up here, we will:
pray for you
make sure you feel as included as you’re ready to be
add you to our Friday newsletter so you’ll know what’s happening
reach out to get to know you better
Explore the ministry opportunities for your children at CRNAZ
At CRNAZ our kids (infant through 6th grade) experience safe, age-appropriate environments where they learn about Jesus in a creative and relevant way.
We would love to see you and your family visit CRNAZ Kids.
Here's what to expect when visiting CRNAZ Kids for the first time:
First, stop by the lobby of our Kids Kingdom building. There we will meet your family, check your child into our system, and then one of our volunteers will lead your child to their age-appropriate room.
Upon checking in for the first time, we will ask for the following personal information (NOTE: We value your privacy and will not share this information with anyone):
Parent/guardian name(s)
Child's name
Child's birthdate
Home address
Phone number
Any special instructions (allergies, special needs) for your children
Before Service: You can check-in your child at any available kiosk in the Kids Kingdom building. After finding your child’s name in the database, you and your child will be given matching name tags that are exclusive to your family and your visit. Your child will need to wear the name tag portion while you hold on to the matching tag.
After Service: After the service is complete, you will return to your child’s room and show your tag in order for your child to be released back to you.
During Service: In the event that we need to contact you during the service, we will text a message to the phone number given. We ask that you exit the auditorium immediately and look for a staff member or volunteer who will direct you to your child’s room.
We Love You & There’s Nothing You Can Do About It
At CRNAZ we are committed to creating an environment where students, grades 7 - 12, can encounter Christ.
We would love to have your teen visit CRNAZ Students.
We believe life is intended to be lived in authentic community as we share life, wrestle with scripture, pray together, and learn to walk in the ways of Christ. Students are encouraged to join us for church on Sunday mornings. Your youth pastors will be present at both services!
We encounter Christ while worshipping together through fun activities, songs, teaching, and discussion.
We break into small groups by gender and age, led by a small group leader.
We also offer college age ministries and small groups on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 - 8!
We build community over time by learning, serving, growing, and connecting with God. We believe events act as catalysts to help build community and to help bring about life change in students.
Our major events include a fall retreat, summer camps, mission trips, and ELEV8 (a southwest regional sports and talent competition).
Women’s Bible Study (Leader: Pastor Jennifer Bentley, Contact: lawgal53@gmail.com) - weekly on Tuesday at 9:30am in the worship center, room 107. All women are invited to join whenever they are available.
Comfort Quilters (Leader: Barbara Poe, Contact: barbpoe4142019@gmail.com) - cut fabric, sew, write Scripture, pray, and more! Comfort Quilters meets every 1st Friday of the month in the Worship Center, room 110, from 9-10:30am. Comfort Quilters makes quilts to give to individuals with cancer.
Lit & Latte (Leader: Lucy Barron, Contact: Lbgfr33@gmail.com) - meets various Saturdays (usually the 4th) from 9:30am-noon, mostly at Sagebrush Coffee Shop, or in people’s homes, to discuss books over coffee.
Women’s Bunco (Leaders: Kelda, Melanie C, Robin) - women of all ages are invited to join in the fun on Bunco Night. Events are held about every few months at someone’s home. Signups will be in the church bulletin.
Paddle Boarding & Kayaking (Leader: Melissa Rightmire, Contact: mrightmire@crnaz.com ) - weather permitting, this group will meet about once a month.
Native American Festivals (Leader: Mary Kim Titla, Contact: mtitla@hotmail.com) - meets about once a month to participate in Tribal celebrations, parades, & Pow Wows.
Hiking Group - (Leader: Tara Smith, Contact: tarasmith@crnaz.com) - weather permitting, this group will meet various Friday mornings.
Art Group (Leader: Madeira Bowell, Contact: madeira4missions@aol.com) - This event will be held for 7 people maximum to participate. Options include watercolor cards, small bookmaking, etc. Supplies will be furnished. Event will be held during the day on a Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday and will likely be scheduled for August 2025.
Check out some of the highlights of our times gathered as women together!
We’re constantly gathering together and encouraging each other, check out the calendar below for our next event.
Please fill out this form if you are interested in creating a new Community or Event within our CRwomen’s Ministry
Melanie Kroeger
Linda Rowland
Renata Boles
Angela Wood
Kelsey Wheeler
Chloe Blomquist
WATER Partnerships
"I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink."
In Matthew 25:35 Jesus says "I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink." We serve Him well when we provide clean water to those without. We not only provide them with physical water, but also increase the opportunity for them to learn of the spiritual water of life provided through Christ, when we are Christ to them.
Our partnership with World Vision addresses the fact that there are many in the world who live without access to clean water. Walking miles to fetch diseased, bacteria-filled water, they are at risk of attack, abduction, rape, trafficking, and injury. Their children die prior to reaching age 5 due to illness caused by dirty water. Other children are unable to attend school because collection of water is their contribution to their family, and water is required to live. And yet, water is also the cause for their illness and death.
If you are interested in how you can be a part of the effort to bring clean water to everyone on the planet, raise awareness and funds to help make this a reality, and enjoy some great community while improving your own health, join the Team Crossroads Running group on CRNAZ Online.
HOMELESS Partnerships
“I was a stranger and you invited me in.”
The Mercy Project seeks to encourage community development in our city enabling Crossroads to journey with individuals and families through life, demonstrating the redemptive power of Jesus Christ.
Through this partnership our church hosts temporarily homeless children and their families for 1 week, 3 times a year on our campus. It is a week long hosting of families with children in our gymnasium. Our willingness to support transitioning families through a warm meal, conversation, a safe place to sleep, and time together is a unique opportunity for our church to reach into the mess and provide a glimmer of Christ's love and hope. We provide the basics while the Family Promise Day Center provides the tools and resources for the parents to transition out of homelessness into stability, employment, homes, education, and other measures of health and well-being.
More information about Family Promise can be found on their website. To be part of the Crossroads hostings, set up, tear down, or to help with laundering the sheets and blankets join the CRNAZ online Family Promise group.
Crossroads provides dinner and a safe, temperate place to sleep for homeless adults in Chandler, as a part of the IHELP program. We currently host the IHELP program 2 nights monthly – the 2nd Sunday and 4th Thursday. Volunteers help by preparing parts of dinner, helping serve dinner, eating with the guests, and laundering the sheets after use. Volunteers with trucks assist by hauling the shower trailer to and from the church campus for IHELP guests to use. These seemingly small gestures remind the guests of their value, dignity, and place in the Kingdom. Guests stay at a different Chandler church each night, experiencing the love of Christ through a unified body of believers.
For more information on the non-profit IHELP is managed through, visit the AZCEND website. To learn more about Crossroads involvement in IHELP, join the CRNAZ online IHELP group.
PRISON Ministry Partnerships
“I was in prison and you came to visit me.”
We are to care for the imprisoned, as Jesus says in Matthew 25:36. This Mercy Project allows us to demonstrate love to the imprisoned and also their families, reminding the imprisoned and abandoned of their dignity and value in Christ.
Angel Tree Prison Ministry has a primary objective to be ambassadors for Christ by proclamation and demonstration to those affected by incarceration. It is an annual partnership connecting the incarcerated with their families and children, and being Christ to the imprisoned at Christmas.
Through this partnership we are provided the opportunity to purchase a gift for a child on behalf of their incarcerated parent. We wrap the gift and place a tag on it with a note from the parent (our purchase is anonymous). We throw a Christmas party for the families that includes Santa Claus, family pictures, cookies, fun activities, and a warm meal. The church demonstrates Christ's love to the family through the party, to the inmate by purchasing the gift, and are the agents of love between the parent and the child through the gift. We also follow up by sending pictures of the family with Santa and the gifts to the incarcerated family member when permissible.
For more information about Angel Tree Prison Fellowship and related opportunities, please join the CRNAZ online group.
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ILLNESS Partnerships
“I was sick and you looked after me.”
Jesus calls his followers to care for the sick in Matthew 25:36. These Mercy Project ministries are part of our response to that directive.
This group gathers on the first Thursday of each month to work on quality quilts that can be given to those affected by cancer. The quilts are comprised of colorful, patterned pieces, and over 60 Bible verse panels to cover the recipient in comfort and prayer.
To learn more about the Comfort Quilters join the CRNAZ Comfort Quilters online group.
We hold 3 blood drives a year on the CRNAZ campus supplying blood products to East Valley hospitals and response centers. Whether blood is needed due to a hemorrhage, a blood disease, or some other situation - 1 pint of blood can save up to 3 lives.
Blood is given to us by God. We do nothing to get it. And it is a life-saving gift when given. If you've ever wondered if you have anything to offer, anything that can be used by God...you have blood.
To find out more about donating blood and CRNAZ Blood Drives, join the Blood Drive group on CRNAZ Online.
Kids at Risk Partnerships
Children are among the most vulnerable
Children are among the most vulnerable, and yet are so valuable and precious to God. As a church we desire to invest in the lives of children, introducing them to the love of Christ, their value to Him, and the hope He brings for a bright future.
A five-day camp for children ages 6-11 who have been or currently are in the foster care system. RFKC is designed to meet the age, stage and needs of children who have been neglected, abused, and/or abandoned.
For more information on Royal Family Kids Camp visit the camp website. To be part of CRNAZ's conversation about Royal Family Kids Camp and our next camp, join the Royal Family Kids Camp group on CRNAZ Online.
A three-day camp for youth ages 12-15 who have been or currently are in the foster care system.
T.R.A.C. is a three-day camp for girls, and a separate three-day camp for boys, specifically designed to meet the needs and hopes of youth who have been neglected or abused.
For more information on TRAC, visit the Chandler TRAC website. To keep current on CRNAZ's Teen Reach Adventure Camp news, join the Teen Reach Adventure Camp group on CRNAZ Online.
Global Outreach Partnerships
Partnering with Global Organizations
By partnering with global organizations, Crossroads is able to participate in providing basic human needs to those in extreme poverty, partner with churches to increase ministry effectiveness, and help address issues of extreme injustice.
Below is a list of our global partnerships. By clicking on the titles, you will be linked to a page with more information.
Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM), through the Church of the Nazarene, supports missionaries around the world, the Jesus Film, World Broadcast Radio, and other programs.
NCM Child Sponsorship is a ministry that engages the sponsors and the local church to act on behalf of children living in poverty.
NCM Crisis Care Kits (CCKs) continue to meet the needs around the world. Kits consists of specific toiletry and hygiene products and are delivered to world areas in crisis.
NCM LINKS is a program of the Church of the Nazarene and is a network of personal connections between missionaries and Nazarenes around the world.
NCM Mission Corps facilitates short-term missionary work by providing the necessary training.
Additional Nazarene Missions International communication can be accessed in the Nazarene Compassionate Ministries group. .
Our Kenya Partnership supports efforts in Kenya surrounding Gender-Based Violence, including poverty, cultural traditions, education, job training, opportunity and empowerment, church-community relationships, and the Wings of Hope Center.
To learn more about our Kenya Partnership or to receive communication about out Kenya Partnership, join the Kenya Partnership group on CRNAZ Online.